Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Tawakal: Tunduk pada ketentuanNya

13 Disember 2016.

Apabila semua yang kita usahakan dengan sekuat daya yang kita mampu, akhirnya Allah menetapkan ia tidak berhasil seperti apa yang kita mahukan. Sebaliknya, ia membuahkan sesuatu ketentuan mengikut apa yang Dia kehendaki. Maka saat itu, janganlah kita berbisik di dalam hati bahawa semua yang telah kita usahakan itu hanya sia-sia. Bahkan, inilah jalan yang Allah telah sediakan untuk kita setelah kita bertawakal kepadaNya. Dan jalan dari Tuhan sesekali tidak akan merugikan hambaNya.

Bergembira lah wahai hati, apa yang telah Allah izinkan terjadi dalam perjalanan hidupmu. Setiap orang punyai keunikan jalan ceritanya sendiri. Tidak sama jalan aku dan jalan kamu. Meskipun kita kembar seiras rupa.

Hari ini kita mungkin sakit. Hari esok tentu akan pulih. Dan jangan lah berputus asa mencari dan memohon rahmatNya. Percaya dalam hati. Kerana percaya itu tandanya ada iman.

Saat bersedih hati, buka lah Al-Quran. Di situ ada ketenangan. Inshaallah akan menemui jawapan.

Dan sungguh, Allah berfirman di dalam Surah An-Nur, ayat 64 (24:64) yang membawa maksud:

"Ketahuilah, sesungguhnya milik Allahlah apa yang ada di langit dan di bumi. Dia mengetahui keadaan kamu sekarang. Dan (mengetahui pula) hari (ketika mereka) dikembalikan kepadaNya, lalu diterangkanNya kepada mereka apa yang telah mereka kerjakan. Dan Allah Maha Mengetahui segala sesuatu."

Ya.. Dia mengetahui keadaan kamu sekarang..
Jangan bersedih hati. Allah berada di sisimu.

Langit tak kan sentiasa mendung. Begitu juga hidupmu.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Hidden Gems In Every Tests

*Tralala. He hears you, He answers you.

When we lose something, we will feel sad. Of course. No matter how strong we think we are, we all have this natural emotion of grief. Hey, everyone does a moment of sorrow, brokenhearted. Something that causes great unhappiness. And, we all do cry sometimes.

 Nevertheless, along with that, we have this little feeling in our heart to stand against this sad emotion. That is patience. But, not many people has the strong will to have patience overcoming their sadness. Each of us has a different level of patience. Depending on how we believe it in our heart. And, that patience will never grow unless it is being tested. The same principle as when we are playing games. The higher the level it becomes, the more difficult it is to pass. The one with the top scorer bears the highest rank.

So do us in our life. As we ages, we find that the calamities become harder. Responsibilities become heavier. Life can be even more challenging than it has ever been. But know this, of people who succeeds, are the one who has patience in their heart. 

Maybe, this is the way Allah grant our prayers. Remember? All this while, we've been praying to Allah so that He protect us from the wrong path. That is what we mention in our 5 times a day prayers. The meaning of Surah Al-Fatihah. I pray that may Allah bring us goodness, Imaan, and taqwa.

We need time. To live our life. Day by day, I believe we will realize what we actually feel deep down our heart. Is it a pure sincerity or is it only a form of attachment? It will surely reveal itself one day. Only if we seek and reflect. May Allah guide us in seeing things the right way.

Whatever tests Allah have made us go through, it was never ever meant to damage us. Exalted Him, He is the All-Knowing. Trust in our Creator. He created us beautifully and perfected us the way it should be.

We should feel thankful to Allah for everything that He bestowed upon us. Nothing is meant to harm us. It's just that, the way we see it all this while, that has made us feel bad about ourselves. For, in fact, the truth is, Allah definitely save something which is far better beyond our expectations.

Inshaallah.. I will get through this. You will get through this too, I know. If it was meant to be from the very beginning, it will be. May Allah open our doors. Amin. :)

The thing we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end. If not in the way we always expect. -Luna Lovegood, Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix.

p/s: Have you read the trilogy?

Monday, September 12, 2016

A Thank You Note

11th September 2016.

If it's not because of what Allah has put me through, I may not be able to write this tonight. All praise to Him for what He bestow upon us. :)

Today marks the end of my 5 years in medical school. With my name started with the letter 'R', I am one of the last candidates to sit for the clinical exam while most of my study buddies have ended their exams a day earlier. Out of 208 candidates, my lucky number that I voted was 194.

Professional examination 3. As the name resembles itself, one can tell that this is the exit exam for all medical graduates. It was the utmost period of intense pressure that I have ever felt in my entire life of being a student! The anxiety within me was like a ship in the wild ocean. Sometimes the fear haunted me like a storm of waves, while at some other time I can feel calm and steady like the two lovebirds from the Titanic movie-standing with arms raised apart while feeling the breeze of the ocean.

Well, I'm not feeling to tell you the details of what sort of questions and situations that I have been through throughout the clinical case part. Because I believe, there's nothing I can do about it that may change the outcome of my result later. My friends and I had put our own level of effort, so to Allah now we rely upon. May we all pass, ameen.. :) The only thing that I wanted to point out here is the values that have taught me a lot.

To say that I am the only one who sacrificed my time and energy; is just not fair. I have my family at home that always pray for my success and gave me the motivations. They always understand why I didn't come back for a weekend or even this year's Eid ul Adha :( . Then, there are my lecturers who did put a lot of effort to teach us. They too have their own family and life to spent on. Nevertheless, they are determined to pass their knowledge to us, the young doctors. And of course, to all of my friends, my study buddies, and my acquaintances; thank you for colouring up my world. You guys did know my ups and downs while being together and yet still accepts me to become a person of my own personality. Thank you! :)

To the juniors who might be reading this, I wish you all the best too for your upcoming Professionals.
Last but not least, to whoever is reading my writing here, please pray for our success to be a good doctor to serve the community. The knowledge that we gain is not for us to get fame or wealth, but it is our responsibility to use the pearls of wisdom to benefit others.

Each one of us has been blessed with our own unique ability and skills. So there's no need for us to  feel intimidate of others. In fact, use the insecurities in ourselves to guide us become better than yesterday.

Okay, that's all for now. Thank you for reading! Let's spread the goodness and positivity always! 

p/s: I love to write what comes to my mind so that I can ponder it later when I need some encouragement

Monday, July 4, 2016

Salam Lebaran

Assalammualaikum w.b.t

Sementara masih free pagi ni, RNS nak ambil peluang mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya pada semua terutamanya buat keluarga tercinta, saudara-mara dan insan yang nun jauh di sana tapi dekat di hati bersama keluarganya :). Tak lupa juga semua kenalan dari sekolah, UiTM palam dan MSU semuanya, sama ada yang mengenali atau yang pernah bersua.

Dengan ucapan Salam aidilfitri maaf zahir dan batin, semoga berbahagia di samping keluarga tercinta di pagi Syawal nanti ye. Nak tulis panjang-panjang pun tak sempat dah ni.. ni pun curi-curi sementara free lepas subuh :P Nanti dengar la suara mama ajak pergi shopping barang dapur untuk raya. Tahu je lah kan, sorang anak perempuan. 

Tahun ni tak plan nak bergaya sakan sebab I know my raya this year tak kan sempat nak gathering dengan kawan-kawan sekolah seperti tahun lepas. Sebabnya ada Exam Professional 3 tak lama lagi.. Haaa yang tu yang takut tu.. 
Doakan ya!

Okay bye! ^_<

p/s: Thank you sooo much for the gift. :))

No matter how small or big it is in the eye of other people, it will remain quite special in the heart.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Motivasi Dari Aku, Untuk Aku yang Bangkit dari Kegagalan

Dear diary,

Sekali lagi aku login E-klas. Betulkah semalam apa yang aku nampak? Atau sekadar ilusi disebabkan sejarah hitam yang lalu? Tak, bukan. Memang benar. Realiti, Azureen. 

'Rotation 2, Medicine, Grade: F. Description: FAIL.'

Allah.. seakan-akan tak percaya pun ada. Perasaan redha pun ada. Bercampur-baur menjadi satu. Aku terkedu. Tak tahu reaksi mana harus aku keluarkan. Yang aku mampu, hanya terdiam. Tiba-tiba memori semalam ligat bermain-main dalam fikiranku, tanpa aku mampu halang. Suara orang-orang sekelilingku ibarat bunyi bising yang sekadar menjadi latar belakang suasana ketika itu.

Pada masa itu, peliknya air mataku tidak tumpah serta-merta. Bergenang pun tidak. Mungkin sebab aku sudah dapat mengagak. Ya, peperiksaan klinikal kali itu memang berlainan sungguh rasanya. Seolah-olah petanda supaya aku bersiap-sedia. Rupa-rupanya apa yang aku rasa dahulu, sumber untuk aku lebih kuat hari ini.

Beruntung aku sebenarnya. Dapat merasa bila di atas. Juga dapat merasa peritnya jatuh ke bawah. Sebab dari pengalaman kedua-duanya itu, aku belajar. Sedih? Sakit? Aku manusia biasa. Kalau aku tak mengaku yang aku rasa sedih dan malu, mungkin aku ini robot agaknya. Melihat kawan-kawan lain lulus dengan cemerlang, sedang aku, tersadung di saat hampir ke garisan penamat. Tapi jauh di sudut hati kecilku, aku bersyukur. Sangat. Allah izinkan aku untuk percaya pada hikmah yang Dia berikan. Mungkin sekarang, pengetahuanku masih samar. Tapi aku yakin, suatu hari nanti aku akan nampak dengan jelas. Yakin, Azureen. Dengan iman.

Kata dia, "Ada battle yang lebih besar, Reen." Depan dia memang aku tak mampu bertahan. Tumpah juga air mata. Donut Dunkin berupa smiley :) aku pandang umpama :(. 

Doa yang aku tak pernah tinggal. Semoga Allah berkatkan ilmu yang Dia ajarkan selama ini. In that way, I hope He chooses me to be in the road yang aku boleh memanfaatkan ilmuku ke arah jalan yang Dia redhai. There must be a reason Allah has granted my prayer to further medicine one day ago. And now that I'm in this line, takkan aku nak menyerah macam tu je?

Orang yang beriman akan merasa gembira bila ditimpa susah atau senang. Sebab dia tahu, segalanya datang daripada Allah. Maka semua itu akan baik-baik saja. Sabarlah ya Azureen.. It's a sign you should work harder and sincere. 

Terngiang-ngiang pesan pensyarah aku, "Sometimes, there are things that you cannot control. Even if you work hard, you need luck." Dan aku rasa, luck itu kita perlu minta daripada Dia Yang Maha Mendengar, Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang.

A failure does not means you will fail forever. And it does not also mean you are not good enough. Tests are meant to build us. Not downgrade us. 
Jadi, bangun Azureen! Jangan pernah mengalah. Terus langkah walau kau harus mengengsot sekalipun!

We must also realize that nothing happens without a purpose. Nothing. Not even broken hearts. Not even pain. That broken heart and pain are lessons and signs for us. They are warnings that something is wrong. They are warnings that we need to make a change.
-Yasmin Mogahed

Andai kisah aku mampu mengajar, sebarkanlah.. Aku tidak lagi malu untuk mengaku yang aku pernah buat silap. In fact, siapa yang sempurna? Tak ada, bukan? Peace.

Post-end of posting surgery clinical exam. Tak mau sedih-sedih. Jom makan! ^_^

p/s: Ingat lagi kisah Raja Azureen dahulu? Klik sini untuk cerita awal: Reflecting memories of 3rd year .

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Entri Penghargaan

Assalammualaikum wbt..

Khas buat semua pembaca setia dan sesiapa sahaja yang pernah membaca penulisan-penulisan RNS di laman blog ni, terima kasih ya! Walaupun sejak akhir-akhir ini RNS jarang meluangkan masa untuk menulis entri-entri baru, RNS sentiasa jenguk ruangan comments. Comments anda sangatlah RNS hargai! Ada juga yang bagi pembakar semangat untuk RNS terus menulis. Silakan untuk share mana-mana post RNS selagi mana ia mendatangkan manfaat untuk semua. Memang itu harapan RNS dari awal penulisan blog TGS ni. :) 

Inshaallah.. bila ada kelapangan masa nanti, RNS akan berkongsi cerita lagi ya. Buat masa sekarang, RNS dan rakan-rakan seperjuangan akan menghadapi peperiksaan akhir dalam masa lebih kurang 3 bulan lagi. Doakan kejayaan kami semua untuk berkhidmat pada masa hadapan ya! Amin. 

Sekian dahulu entri pendek kali ni. Tata! ^_<

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Kaki Anugerah yang Perlu Dijaga - Converse shoes

Assalammualaikum w.b.t and hello!

I'll tell you about the owner of this image. Read further okay! ^_<

So it seems that I did not manage to post an entry last month (target RNS sekurang-kurangnya satu entri setiap bulan, baru la tak berhabuk blog TGS ni kan :p) But its okay.. RNS baru saja habis posting perubatan a few weeks ago. (Posting perubatan sangatlah sibuk, terutamanya bila ditempatkan di Hospital Sungai Buloh) Sekarang, dah masuk minggu ke-3 RNS berposting di bahagian pembedahan Hospital Klang. Jadi, boleh kata ada lah masa sikit untuk luangkan menulis kat sini.

As I am currently in surgical department, I will definitely come across cases that are related to disease that involves our precious leg. Kaki kita anugerah yang tak ternilai daripada Tuhan bukan? Cuba bayangkan satu hari nanti kita bangun daripada tidur, tiba-tiba kita tak dapat nak merasa ke dua-dua belah kaki disebabkan lumpuh. Ya Allah... semestinya saat tu akan ada peraasaan takut dan cemas! We should be thankful to Allah for creating us with the upmost perfect creation in this world! 

Therefore, we are the one who is responsible to take care of our own body. To stay as healthy as possible..
To pretty girls and ladies out there including me.. Yes, us! The choice of our footwear is very important! Cuba elak seboleh-bolehnya daripada memakai kasut bertumit tinggi. Especially in the occasion yang memerlukan kita untuk berjalan atau berdiri lama.

Bad effect of high heels to our posture and foot

So.. nak pakai kasut apa lepas ni? I choose sneakers! Walaupun ada pelbagai jenis kasut flat yang lain, but hey, sneakers for girls are not bad at all! Salah satu favourite brand yang simple, yet stylish is Converse shoes. Kasut converse ni boleh dikenakan dengan pelbagai gaya mengikut personaliti masing-masing. *kalau nak nampak berdarah muda selalu, kasut ni sangat sesuai. Come, let me show you a few pictures.  :) 

Contoh paling senang yang comes to my mind is kak Fynn Jamal. Thank you kak Fynn sebab personally bagi keizinan RNS untuk share your pictures here! :))

Kak Fynn Jamal-semua tahu she loves her pair of sneakers. She looks confidence in her own style with all-black outfit that matches with her sneakers.

Look how cute they both are! *ever dream of wearing the same sneakers with your other half? :'))

Okay.. maybe your kids too in future :))

Gadis-gadis yang gemar mengenakan abaya, tetap boleh tampil sopan. Not too boyish, yet still maintain that feminine look. Simple kan? Pada masa yang sama, kita pun akan rasa selesa dan senang untuk melangkah. 

Of course, there's other way to look different with your own personal preference. Kalau teringin tu, boleh la explore lagi jenis Converse shoes ikut citarasa sendiri kat sini. Sambil-sambil tu, boleh la shopping barang kat zalora kan.. :)))

One of my favourite style - maxi dress with converse shoes. :)

So, what do you say? Kalau ada buah fikiran, boleh la kita sama-sama kongsi ye! Thank you for reading this entry :D Setakat ni dulu buat kali ni. Jumpa lagi bye!

p/s: Jangan tak tahu, ada orang yang berkenan with girls in sneakers. So, korang suka yang mana? ^_<

Friday, January 1, 2016

Starts of something new 2016

Assalammualaikum wbt.

Hello! I woke up this morning and realized, oh its already 2016! So I decided to reflect and recap what has happened in 2015.

After subuh prayer and a small *conversation with someone, i took my next steps to freshen up, a bit of cleaning, and breakfast. While I was having 'kaya bread' and a mug of hot chocolate, i turned the pages of my diary. I read everything from the beginning of 2015 until the end. My expression was like ... hurmm.. uh.. ohhh.. hahaha ^_^ ... aaaa T_T .. You know, the feeling when you read all sorts of happenings in your life through out the past year. There are happiness, funny moments, excited, and all the sadness that almost forgotten. But because once upon a time, you wrote it there, and suddenly you remember what you have gone through. It's just amazing. :)

What can I conclude from 2015, "Many things have changed without we expected it to be in the beginning." Yeah. Everyone grows, everyone gone through phases in their life, and from there, it's what has made us change into someone. So am I getting better or worse? Only we ourselves can truly answer that.

At first i thought my 2015 was filled with bad memories. But when i flipped through the pages, waa.. there's actually more happy and sweet moments. So, this proves that when we are facing with calamities in our life, we tend to focus more on the problems. That's what made us thrown into depression. Somehow, we often forget that every difficulties is just temporary.

After all, I learnt a lot. Like seriously a lot! I learned how to handle my emotion on such circumstances when you feel like hopeless. Alhamdulillah, may Allah protect us from going astray.

As of today, I want to make a change. I choose to be happy as much as possible. That's what life is. It's about what we choose no matter what happens. I will try not to hold on something too tight nor too loose. Because if I hold it so tightly, and when it suddenly snaps, I'll be forced to repel backward and it'll make harder for me to find my way back to the front. (It's like when you try to stretch a rubber band so forcefully, and when it snaps, your hands will feel the pain.) On the other hand, if I hold on something so loosely, then it means I'm weak and I don't even care. So, let's just be neutral. We humans cannot control everything in this life. It's with the help of Allah. :)

The only thing that I can promise is that I'll never stop praying. Allah know's best. Let's hope for the best ending! :)))


31st Jan - The dress

8th Feb - The victory!

15th Feb - Terduduk

20th Feb - Simple tapi dalam kelas tersendiri

1st Mac - Basikal

25th Apr - "One view i like to see for a long time"

7th May - 1st meeting

31st May - Food festival

6th Jun - I brought back my first medal!

10th July - 2nd meeting

10th Sept - Heartbreak

13th Oct - The PE

31st Dec - Hope

Biar berlalu tahun yang penuh memori,
beri pula laluan untuk tahun baru menjengah ke mari.
Langkah demi langkah, sama-sama kita tempuhi,
Inshaallah kita doa 
moga akhirnya
sama-sama sampai ke destinasi
dengan izin Ilahi. 

Selamat datang 2016!

Ultimate goal to achieve this year!